

The records say that Joe started it, but I’m pretty sure that Fish did.
It was a growl-off now.
Joe snarled loudly, and Fish retaliated with the roar of a tabby cat.
Brebelles came out of nowhere and stood in front of the two growling idiots.
First she looked at Joe, then at Fish. Then at Joe again, then at Fish.
She made an annoyed sound and said, “You guys are soo immature.”
She walked between them, pushing their faces away and she stomped off.
While Fish was distracted giving Brebelles a “WTF?” look, Joe took advantage of it and smashed Fish over the head with his Les Paul.
The King impersonator exploded into a supernova of light and sequins and fish guts.
He then shot Deathy with his laser cat and stood triumphantly.
“Awesomeness prevails!” He then took off his beard, his bandanna, and his new purple superhero jumpsuit, and headed off to fulfill his dreams of becoming a full-time gorilla.

But too bad for him that he doesn’t know that you can’t kill an immortal Fish God……..

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