
A Clockwork Ficly

What’s it going to be then eh?

This is the life isn’t it guys? No, I know we don’t need money, but isn’t the actual robbing better than the cash we take? You don’t understand? I expect that kind of idiocy from Dim there, but you two-what? Why would you want to rob that house? Too bad, I’m the leader, and you’re just soldiers got it? Ow, my eye!

What’s it going to be then eh?

Good lord jail sucks. I can’t believe I’ve got twelve more years of this drivel. All we hear is how wrong our crimes were, how damaging they were to the community, blah blah blah. At least I can listen to music when I help this fat priest. I suppose-what? Do I want to be free in two weeks? I don’t care about a stupid shot, sign me up!

What’s it going to be then eh?

Well boy. After being beaten within an inch of my life and driven to insanity by mind control treatments without being able to defend myself, I’ve really come to a better understanding of Karma. Of course my kid will be even dumber than I was…

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