
Civility, Dignity, Sterility

Civility, Dignity, Sterility

Such pompous ideals, there to constrain
Real-me who sees your pain so clearly
A burden of woes across face and life
The oil slick of travails and news I give
Would that I could wrap you in a hug
One embrace to say life can be okay
One human being to another, a connection
Work me knows this is silly, knows what works

Civility, Dignity, Sterility

A hug never cured disease, eased a pain
At least not in a study, not in a lab
What is touch but wasted time
And risk of litigation?
Ignore the pain, at most suck it up
Keep it there, hidden away
Heaven forbid you speak its name
Home-me takes it there, leaves it where
No eye can see or ear can hear
The borrowed sorrows of any day
Perhaps having learned too well

Civility, Dignity, Sterility

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