
Someone Needs Therapy...

Matthew and William spoke,
Of buying a sponge to soak!
Flying wigs, an ear of corn,
Blowing on a bright bronze horn!

Here ye, Here ye!
The King has an important decree!

Of pork and beans and flaming goats,
And fearsome dragons guarding moats!
Wizards casting protective spells,
To save the ancient gold church bells!

Matthew and William soaked the sponge,
Volcanic stones began to lunge!
As igneous won, sedimentary began to pout,
Metamorphic began to shout,

Of pork and beans and flaming goats,
And fearsome dragons guarding moats!
Flaming tomahawks to burn down trees,
Do you like all these decrees?

Blue flame upon the halls,
Bought from Flombe’s Shopping Mall!
Pencils dancing the disco in a flute,
Making hoodies from pressed root.

As this story comes to a close,
Smelling like a bright red rose,
What is the purpose of this tale?
To make snips and snails and puppy dogs fail?

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