
Authletes Assemble!

“I declare open the Games of the 1st Winter Ficlympiad.”

And with that, the Winter 2014 Ficlympics are underway. Let’s have some fun!


There will be four events, each lasting one week, on the themes of Genres, Limitations, Inspiration, and Literary Devices. Each event consists of three challenges, all of which are issued at the start of the event and which last the length of the event.


I’ve had a number of volunteers for judges and I will select a core set of five judges for each event. These people must judge. However, anyone who is so inclined may also judge. Simply note me with your intention to judge and I will include your scores as well. I would like to see judging completed no later than two days after the event completes (but I can’t control that). Judges will submit their scores to me by note.


Judges will wait until the event closes before scoring the entries. Each entry will be scored between 0.0 and 5.0 for technical merit and between 0.0 and 5.0 for artistic impression. These scores will be added together to provide a score for the entry (between 0.0 and 10.0). All of the scores for an entry will be averaged to produce the entry’s official score. An authlete’s scores from all three challenges in an event will be added to determine the authlete’s ranking (it’s important to complete all three challenges) and the top three rankings will be awarded gold, silver, and bronze.

The rankings from all four events will be added together to produce the aggregate score and the person with the highest aggregate ranking will be awarded platinum.

As a guideline for scoring, I would expect that any competently written story would score somewhere between 3.5 and 5.0 for each of technical merit and artistic impression. I leave it to the judges discretion as to how to interpret the terms “artistic impression” and “technical merit.” We could discuss that in the comments below.


There is a choice of prize for each award. The winner may elect to receive from me a handmade pen (I haven’t had the chance to make them yet as life is getting in the way.) or may elect to be satisfied with bragging rights. (In order to receive a pen, you will have to note me with your mailing address which I promise to not use nefariously.)


Nothing special here. Simply write an entry for the challenges in the event(s) that interest(s) you within the allotted time limit. You are limited to a single entry to be scored for each challenge. You may write as many entries as you want but only the one of your choice will be scored. If you’re a judge and have entered a challenge that you’re judging, abstain from submitting a score for your entry.


  • August 2nd

    The challenges for the Genre event have been posted.

  • Robert Quick

    Ready and willing!

  • THX 0477

    What a hoot, August! Count me in.

  • August 2nd

    The Genre Event has concluded and judging will commence immediately. If I contact you to be a judge, please score all of the entries in the three challenges in the Genre Event. Should anyone else wish to judge as well, please let me know your intention to do so.

    The challenges for the Limitations Event have been posted. Have at it!

  • August 2nd

    The scores are in for the Genres challenge. The following medals are awarded for this event:

    Bronze: THX 0477 with a score of 19.20 (2 of 3 challenges completed)
    Silver: Epona with a score of 24.80 (all challenges completed)
    Gold: HSAR with a score of 26.63 (all challenges completed)


  • HSAR

    I must say what a great opportunity these events really are, as a rare chance to push yourself beyond the envelope of “normal”. It’s certainly going to stand out in my memory for a long time.

  • Robert Quick

    Agreed! Though I am sure the gold medal won’t hurt either lol.

  • HSAR

    Gosh Rob, the thought hadn’t even crossed my mind! :)

  • August 2nd

    The Limitations Event has concluded and judging will commence immediately. If I contact you to be a judge, please score all of the entries in the three challenges in the Limitations Event. Should anyone else wish to judge as well, please let me know your intention to do so.

    The challenges for the Literary Devices Event have been posted.

  • August 2nd

    The Literary Devices Event has concluded and judging will commence shortly. If I contact you to be a judge, please score all of the entries in the three challenges in the event. Should anyone else wish to judge as well, please let me know your intention to do so.

    The scores for the Limitations event will be posted shortly, The challenges for the final event, Inspiration, have been posted.

  • August 2nd

    My apologies for the delay in posting this. The following medals are awarded for the Limitations event:

    Bronze: 32 ^2 with a score of 24.43 (all challenges completed)
    Silver: BiC with a score of 24.92 (all challenges completed)
    Gold: THX 0477 with a score of 25.70 (all challenges completed)


    The scores for the remaining two events will be posted as soon as they are available.

  • August 2nd

    I can’t apologize adequately for the delay in posting the final results. Life just gets in the way when one least expects it to.

    The following medals are awarded for the Literary Devices event:

    Bronze: BiC with a score of 18.73 (2 of 3 challenges completed)
    Silver: stargazer1960 with a score of 26.63 (all challenges completed)
    Gold: THX 0477 with a score of 39.00 (all challenges completed)

    The following medals are awarded for the Inspiration event:

    Bronze: Pablo Vilas with a score of 16.97 (2 of 3 challenges completed)
    Silver: HSAR with a score of 27.00 (all challenges completed)
    Gold: THX 0477 with a score of 27.95 (all challenges completed)

    The platinum medal is awarded to:
    THX 0477

    This concludes the Winter 2014 Ficlympics. I will be in touch with any of the medal winners that I have not already contacted regarding their awards.

  • HSAR

    Congratulations to THX on a great showing, despite the huge variety of events! I’m glad that I got to see a lot of people (including myself) writing in areas and ways they don’t normally, to push ourselves that little bit further.

  • Princess Binky Lemontwist (LoA)

    Congratulations to all! Wish I could’ve seen this all unveil but I’m sure the Ficlympics promises to be just as smashing.

  • JonB

    Congratulations, everyone – this was tremendous fun to read and to judge. And well done August, for managing to pull the thing off.

  • August 2nd

    I’d like to get some feedback on the Ficlympics concept. I’d be interested in running it annually. So… what do you think about it? Should the challenges be easier? Or harder? Should there be more per event? Or fewer? Does the entire thing last too long? Or is it too short? More events? Fewer? What did you like? What did you hate? What would you keep the same? What would you change?

    Participation between the events varied substantially and also between the challenges within each event. With the exception of the Limitations event, anyone who completed all three challenges within an event medaled. Many people only completed two or even just one of the challenges in an event.

    Thanks to all who participated. It was a pleasure reading your entries. And my thanks as well to judges stargazer1960, JonB, and THX 0477.

    I’ll put some statistics up in the next comment… Comments too are subject to the 1024 character limit!

  • August 2nd


    Genres: 9 participants
     Terza Rima: 9
     Eulogy: 3
     Fable: 5
    Limitations: 14 participants
     Monosyllabics: 11
     26 Sentences: 8
     24 Words: 11
    Literary Devices: 5 participants
     Alliteration: 3
     Malapropisms: 2
     Purple Prose: 5
    Inspiration: 7 participants
     Bulwer-Lytton: 5
     7 Words: 4
     The Articulate Stranger: 4

  • HSAR

    I liked the difficulty of the challenges, but some of them were incredibly so and the short deadlines made it impossible for me to come up with something suitable in some cases.

    The number of challenges in a category was about right, although I would prefer a “quality over quantity” format for points. Given the difficulty of the challenges, I would suggest best one or two scores out of each category. This would encourage people to enter their strongest works (I saw some absolutely stunning submissions in the Limitations events!) rather than force a few out.

    As for length of event, despite the fact that I felt the week deadline was too short, I liked the month-long event. It was a nice background to my normal life, and did not outlast its welcome.

  • GeoBarnes

    I just loved this challenge.